Determine the Execution’s forward type is determine by user or auto
Determine the Execution’s forward type is determine by user or auto
Determine whether use codegen function
Determine whether use codegen function
About CallBack, Default Session_Debug*/
/** runSessionWithCallBack is allowed and can get internal op info
About input tenosr, Default Session_Input_Inside*/
/** The input tensor is alloced by session, input data after session resized
The input tensor is alloced by user, set input data before session
Determine static memory whether recyle in resizeSession or just cache the
Determine static memory whether recyle in resizeSession or just cache the
The output tensor depends on session, and can’t be separate used
The output tensor can be separated from session
runSessionWithCallBack is not valid and can’t get any info of op in
Dynamic Reisze Optimization
Try Resize Session when create Session or not, default direct:
Try Resize Session when create Session or not, default direct:
Dynamic Reisze Optimization